Patty's Race 2007

2007 Award Winners
Male Female
1. Drew Pickering 19:29
2. Josiah Thurlow 19:37
3. Matthew Guiod 21:11
1. Donna Sinderson 26:43
2. Tiffany Randall 26:45
3. Beth Comeau 29:36
12 & Under:
1. Ridge Osgood 29:09
2. Warren Mann 29:23
3. Dustin Gordon 36:11
1. Molly Banks 34:41
2. Leela Stockley 34:44
3. Rachel Kerr 35:34
13 - 18:
1. Nolan Dumont 21:23
2. Tom Bird 23:03
3. Jacob Pelkey 23:43
1. Mary Weatherbee 33:22
2. Hae Lin Lee 43:13
3. Alaina Hamilton 46:23
19 - 29:
1. Ryan McLaughlin 22:30
2. Joel Parker 22:31
3. Nate Dow 23:10
1. Raven Flynn 35:51
2. Ashley Linscott 46:03
3. Angie Linscott 46:05
30 - 39:
1. Joshua Crise 53:18
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. Suzanne Smith 33:57
2. Nancy Burrill 36:40
3. Kathy Crise 53:14
40 - 49:
1. David Ham 26:37
2. Todd O’Brien 27:53
3. Ed Comeau 29:36
1. Melanie Dumont 33:34
2. Bernie Stockley 34:49
3. Claudette Albert 47:38
50 - 59:
1. Alan Stockley 23:04
2. Paul Kelly 28:35
3. Brian McDormand 39:42
1. Margo Kelly 41:40
2. Cheryl Ham 53:33
3. Jane Scanlon 53:39
60 & over:
1. Dave Samuelian 26:45
2. Hazen Mallory 38:11
3. Art Fraser 47:33
1. Hazel Oliver 38:08
2. Priscilla Mallory 38:12
3. Devra Braziller 38:21

2007 Patty’s Race Stroller Participants

The stroller division of Patty’s Race proved quite interesting, as five little ones got a tour of the course on wheels. This new non competitive division would please Patty, who very much enjoyed the social aspects of being on a team, and who so loved little children. Each participant received a certificate and a bag of goodies such as a book, (one of them being Patty’s favorite at a young age “The Poky Little Puppy”), as well as juices, electrical outlet safety covers, reflective arm bands, bathtub tug boats, and popcorn. Those participating in this year’s walk / run with their mothers were: Ehva Lillian Corbin (Patty’s niece) & Raven, Jackson Sabattus & Brittany, Cole Albert & Ashley, Rowan Albert & Angie, and Esmae Stockley & Bernie.

2007 Sponsors
Patty’s Race 2007 proved to be a tremendously successful event in many ways including the support of the Patricia Lynn Corbin Memorial Scholarship Fund, which continues to grow due to the generosity of sponsors. Special thanks again this year for the support and help from Lee Academy administration, staff, National Honor Society and other students, the Lee Vol. Fire Dept., music from Linda Powell’s 4th & 5th grade jazz band, family and friends who help out in so many ways, and race participants. Join us in thanking and patronizing our sponsors & donors, listed below and on Please let us know and accept our sincere apologies if we neglect to mention anyone. On behalf of our entire family and Lee Academy we extend heartfelt appreciation and thanks. Mike and Robin Corbin.
Jeff & Candy Stone, Indian Hill Trading Post, James & Donna Wood, Priscilla Schumm, Harold & Jeanie Corbin, Earth’s Bounty, Gary & Susan Osgood, Kay & John Macklin, Paul Suminski, Keyth & Charles Carter, Casey & Amanda Osgood, Bill & Sue Head, Kathy Parlee, Del Williams, Gail Rae, DeLaite Trucking Inc, Pam Borgeson, Dave & Melanie Dumont, H.C. Haynes Inc, Thurlow Logging Inc, Springfield Tyme Bed & Breakfast, Avis Sussenguth, Barbara Gebhardt, CWA & Lake Street Real Estate, Treeline Inc, Possibilities, Bart Harvey, Ken Budge in memory of Tina, Ed & Lorraine Harris, Merle Raye, Doreen Dower, George Sabattus, Mark & Bea Weatherbee, Virginia Osgood, Kendra & Kevin Ritchie, Lloyd Stevens, Junior & Jenny Thompson & family, Kirk & Carrie Ritchie, The Springfield Fair, Euna Ireland, Diane Worster, H. Joseph Thibodeau, Clay GMC Truck Inc, Neal Associates, Ruhl Photo Studio, S & S Transportation Inc, Thornton Bros, Lincoln Color Center, Yates Lumber, Steven & Lucie Mallett, Lincoln House Motel, Cole Whitney Ford, Clay Funeral Home, Jim & Peggy Flynn, Lorraine Ort in memory of Ken, Henry & Betty Sawyer, Frances Richards, Margaret Bond, Beth Howe, Helen Hanscom, Winn General, Johnson Florist, Hannaford’s, Lincoln News, Kuester Family, Subway, Dawson Family Fitness, Wing Wah, Curves, W. Broadway Auto, Steaks & Stuff, Community Partnership, Army National Guard, Aubuchon Hardware, Coca Cola, Wal Mart, Smith’s General Store, Noah & Tammy Nesin, and Judy & Raleigh Hanscom.

2007 Finishers
2007 Patty’s Race Finishers 1. Drew Pickering 19:29 2. Josiah Thurlow 19:37 3. Matthew Guiod 21:11 4. Nolan Dumont 21:23 5. Ryan McLaughlin 22:30 6. Joel Parker 22:31 7. Tom Bird 23:03 8. Alan Stockley 23:04 9. Nate Dow 23:10 10. Jacob Pelkey 23:43 11. Chung Ahn Jae 25:18 12. Jonathan White 26:18 13. David Ham 26:37 14. Donne Sinderson 26:43 15. Tiffany Randall 26:45 16. Dave Samuelian 26:45 17. Todd O’Brien 27:53 18. Paul Kelly 28:35 19. Rodney Banks 29:06 20. Ridge Osgood 29:09 21. Warren Mann 29:23 22. Beth Comeau 29:36 23. Ed Comeau 29:36 24. Scott Maxwell 30:07 25. Brian Crocker 31:29 26. Mary Weatherbee 33:22 27. Melanie Dumont 33:34 28. Suzanne Smith 33:57 29. Chris Flynn 34:36 30. Molly Banks 34:41 31. Leela Stockley 34:44 32. Bernie Stockley 34:49 33. Rachel Kerr 35:34 34. Raven Flynn 35:51 35. Megan Burrill 35:54 36. Aaron King 36:07 37. Dustin Gordon 36:11 38. Jason Ludden 36:16 39. Lucien Tibbetts 36:25 40. Jay Corbin 36:26 41. Nancy Burrill 36:40 42. Tyler Searway 37:53 43. Hazel Oliver 38:08 44. Nathaniel Thurlow 38:10 45. Hazen Mallory 38:11 46. Priscilla Mallory 38:12 47. Jordan Maxwell 38:15 48. Elisah Brown 38:15 49. Devra Braziller 38:21 50. Brian McDormand 39:42 51. Abby Brown 40:53 52. Justin Bean 41:31 53. Margo Kelly 41:40 54. Sam Dill 42:23 55.Michael LaFountain 42:23 56. Shane Averill 42:43 57. Opie MacDonald 42:48 58. Hae Lin Lee 43:13 59. Cassidy Osgood 43:40 60. Susan Osgood 43:53 61. Alessio Zanotta 45:07 62. Gianlucca Zanotta 45:10 63. Matteo Zanotta 45:14 64. Ashley Linscott 46:03 65. Angie Linscott 46:04 66. Alaina Hamilton 46:23 67. Brianna Gordon 46:25 68. Rochelle Burrill 46:26 69. Aarika Ritchie46:30 70. Shelby Pickering 46:31 71. Alexandra Banks 46:41 72. Mitch Slevinsky 46:48 73. Logan Dubay 47:10 74. Art Fraser 47:33 75. Claudette Albert 47:38 76. Jessica Raymond 47:38 77. Brandon Bourgoin 47:44 78. Tristan Albert 47:46 79. Crystal Willette 49:01 80. Kim Jipson 49:01 81. Ethan Whitfield 49:15 82. Debra Bourgoin 49:34 83. Jennifer Munson 49:36 84. Amelia Crise 49:44 85. Bart Harvey 50:10 86. Cindy Pickering 50:23 87. Kaitlynn Read 50:23 88. Rebecca Jacques 50:38 89. Robin Durand 50:38 90. Ralph Averill 51:50 91. Alyssa Maxwell 51:50 92. Kane McKinnon 53:14 93. Kathy Crise 53:14 94. Joshua Crise 53:18 95. Amanda Perley 53:33 96. Cheryl Ham 53:33 97. Candy Stone 53:39 98. Jeff Stone 53:39 99. Jane Scanlon 53:45 100. Sandy Gifford 53:45 101. Shannon Cole 53:51 102. PJ Stanley 53:51 103. Mazie Wyman 54:16 104. Ralph Jones 54:16 105.Ashlee MacDonald54:20 106. Carolyn Stevens 55:57 107. Lloyd Stevens 55:57 108. Charles Lowell 55:57 109. Kay Macklin 56:48 110. Keyth Carter 56:50 111. Charles Carter 56:51 112. John Macklin 56:52 113. Karin Bird 56:53 114. Syd Surratt 56:53 115. Joshus Tupper 57:17 116. Gloria Kneeland 57:18 117. Ashley Jipson 57:18 118. Steve Braziller 57:23 119. Ann Ham 57:24 120. Carlene Fraser 58:38 121. Emily Kennedy 59:19 122. May Toby 59:20 123. Vicky Toby 59:25 124. Lyndsay Nevells 59:50 125. Tracey Nute 59:52 126. Terri Priest 59:52 127. Samantha Cole 60:03 128. Lisa Bouchard 60:04 129. Philip Osgood 60:13 130. Stratton Shannon 60:16 131. Matthew Corbin 60:16 132. Randi Lee Bishop 60:17