Thank you for taking part. We hope you have an enjoyable and memorable day.
Pre-race information and instructions.
1. Registration will take place inside the Gymnasium, just down the road from the start / finish lines, beginning at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, May 20th. Pre-registrants pick up your entry packet there also. The start and finish is in front of the Academic and Science Buildings. Awards and prizes will be handed out in the Gym after the walk / run.
2. Use two safety pins provided to fasten your registration tag on the front of your shirt. Make sure your tag is accurate. Tags and safety pins are in your packet for those who are pre-registered. Those registering on race day will receive their tag and pins at the registration table.
3. The National Anthem will be sung just prior to race start.
4. Start time is 1:00 p.m. Faster starters please line up closest to the starting line followed by slower participants toward the rear. Those pushing strollers may head directly to route 6 at the start, bypassing the woods trails.
5. The course is a 3.15 mile loop, counterclockwise, comprised of woods trails, dirt roads and pavement. The Lee Fire Dept does excellent traffic control at the two Route 6 crossings, but still please be careful. Also be careful of your footing, especially on the woods trails and dirt roads. There may be a few wet spots. Patty got a giggle out of splashing her teammates in these! She also loved the rain, but we're hoping for a dry day.
6. A memorial to Patty is located just after 1/4 mile. The cross was made by Jessica Fogg with graphics by Jessica Raymond, Patty's classmates. A memorial sign installed in May of 2004, shaped like a flame, was made by sign maker David Mandravelis, and funded by the "S.P.R.I.N.T. For Life" coalition, which also funded trail improvements, culminating in the dedication of the "Patricia Lynn Corbin Memorial Trail" on May 8th, 2005.
7. Water table located between the one and two mile markers, at Gail Rae's on Silver Lake.
8. At 2 1/4 miles you hit the pavement as you turn left onto the Arab Road, then that cussed hill. Patty hated running uphill! Stay to the left side of the road and be wary of traffic.
9. At the finish please remain in line in your order of finish and proceed through the shute to the results table, where the officials will take your registration tag. Please exit the results area to make room for finishers behind you. Refreshments will be available.
10. Award winners will be announced and certificates handed out in the gym after all participants have finished.
11. You can return your safety pins at the finish area. Please dispose of garbage, bottles and cans in the appropriate containers.
12. Race results and award winners will be posted at www.pattysrace.com and in the Lincoln News. Comments or suggestions re: the event may be sent to corbin@fairpoint.net or mail to 1355 Main Rd., Carroll Plantation, ME 04487 or tel. 207-738-4354.
13. Drive carefully. Buckle up. Thank you