Nano's intermittent
News Flash! Fantastic Voyage : Live Long Enough to Live Forever (Kurzweil's new book for practical life extension... today!) Finally, a systematic plan for life extension. It is based on the latest knowledge, and purposely adaptable to changing technology and medical information. I'm reading it now. (2004.10.11) Cyberkinetics' BrainGate™ Neural Interface System: First Clinical Trial Launched
(2004.07.16) (2004.05.19)
(2004.05.05) The Doctor Will Freeze You Now (Suspended animation is almost here!) BioTime deals in ultra-profound hypothermia, the body's last stop before freezing. The company has developed a process that cools living bodies right down to the brink of freezing - a state in which the brain takes hours, not minutes, to wither. BioTime's secret is dumbfoundingly obvious: antifreeze. The company's flagship product, Hextend, is an FDA-approved blood-volume expander designed to maintain blood pressure and chemistry in the wake of massive blood loss. It's used for this purpose in surgical wards throughout the US and Canada, but the product has an additional property: It doesn't coagulate at low temperature. Since 1992, BioTime has been testing Hextend in baboons, pigs, and dogs, replacing their entire blood supply and then cooling them to 35 degrees. At that point, vital signs cease. Bleeding virtually stops. Oxygen-hungry tissues go on a diet. Then technicians raise the body temperature, reintroduce the blood, and shock the heart to life. "Right now, we can easily bring animals back from two hours of absolute clinical death," says Hal Sternberg, BioTime's VP of research. "No pulse, no respiration, no measurable brain activity." (2004.04.18) I
didn't realize RFID tags worked on the very popular wifi system, which is
usually limited to about 300'. A
new warp-speed wireless Internet service called WiMax aims to blow past
competitors at speeds of up to 70 megabits per second -- 35 times faster than a
standard broadband Internet connection -- it can hold its own with any landline
service. (2004.04.07)
(2004.03.29) Methane on Mars could signal life WOW! This could be ENORMOUS news! Finally!
(2004.01.26) Lie-detector glasses offer peek at future of security. Here's another truth detector... and it's being commercialized! (2004.01.15) Major news... Robot scientist designs and executes it's own experiments! The robot not only performs genetics experiments, it also decides which ones to do, interprets the results and comes up with new hypotheses. As a lab technician, I'd love to have a robot do the tedious work! (2004.01.10) Wow! President Bush is going to commit to an accelerated space program, including a permanent moon base! I do hope we commit to this plan, as it will drive development of many technologies, including nanotech. It's critical for the US (and mankind) to have a nexus for this essential development. (2003.11.01) A network for "all Science, all the time". What an awesome idea! I have hoped for this for years! Article about CSN: Candle in the Dark
Stelarc Cybernetic experimentation This is wild stuff, you just HAVE to see! (2003.08.29) The Biotech Baroness of the Brain Excellent article, mentions our immediate Transhuman future. (2003.08.20) Added Inferential Distance page, to encourage site visitors to overcome 'reality shock'. (2003.08.04)
(2003.07.17) Redesigned the site somewhat. New index page, and finally made a logo! (2003.07.14) Added a HyperTree Navigation Map to the site map page... check it out! Added more stuff on the Knowledge Management page
Ok, I'm back with a new ISP, and OS. Now, I'll be able update the site once in a while! I've been using PersonalBrain Knowledge Management (KM) software for months now, and am totally addicted to it's speed and flexibility. I find new uses for it all the time! Zoot was definitely not for me, nor was any of the other KM software I have tried or investigated. PersonalBrain still has a lot of un-developed potential, but there are many passionate users (believers?) who freely share their great ideas. If The Brain Technologies Corp matches the users' passion, the PersonalBrain will become a world-wide phenomenon. (9-22-2002)
(9-15-2002) Started playing with ZOOT information Processor as an alternative to PersonalBrain. (Ya, I know... I'm a program slut. LOL!) So far, it looks awesome! Read the post that sent me to ZOOT. (9-15-2002)
(8-23-2002) Found some interesting PersonalBrain discussion on Yahoo! Groups (8-23-2002)
Once a Nanotechnology distributed computing program is created, I will donate my CPU cycles to them!
Activeworlds.com Navigation Maps Awesome ! Notes on my adventures in ActiveWorlds:
You'll want to use the 'Remember'
function to teleport to were you've been... and you can store those locations
like favorites! You can use teleport by entering
coordinates... World, xxN or S, xxE or W Here's a list of some of my favorite
spots so far (just copy & paste into the teleport dialog box...):
(8-23-2002) Whilst looking for SiteBrains (Google Search on SiteBrain), I came across several cool web mapping sites. This one has a variety! An Atlas of Cyberspaces Update on my new brain...
=======> Examples of SiteBrains <======= The Brain at kurzweilai.net Awesome, searchable knowledge base! (8-19-2002) Shocking news! NASA is working on 'remote' brain scanning tech! A genius piece of software! But... I'm finding the personal version lacking in integration. I'd absolutely love it if it managed emails as well as Outlook, and could be used as a navigation tool for web sites. The idea is fantastic, and would become the standard interface for many programs if integrated. For $80, it should do a lot more, but.... stay tuned for further updates, the 30 day free trial isn't done yet! (10-28-2001) Coming in 2002 (now 2003)... a new Satellite broadband service called WildBlue. Download speeds of up to 3.0 Mbps - and up to 0.5 Mbps upstream. This should be price competitive with DSL and cable.. and I like it! (07-31-2001)
Here's the article that introduced me... While you're at Space.com, be sure to check out the other cool Space Age Gear!
we will be like the gods
(12-13-2000) I finally found an article I had looked for for weeks... and it's worth your reading. The writer Spider Robinson speculates about life in the year 3000... and it's a mind blower. This is why I study nanotech... the possibilities are virtually limitless... and I want to live in this future. Before you read it, be sure to sit down and put on a seat belt! "Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy 'cause Kansas really is goin' bye-bye." (11-23-2000) Scientists Report Alien Life! If this is for real, it's a mind blower! But, only time will tell... NewsMax.com
Wires Researchers said that in the filter of a high-flying balloon operated by the Indian Space Research Organization, they found a strain of bacteria unlike anything on Earth. The bacteria were found at an altitude of 10 miles. Scientists from the ISRO, Cardiff University and the University of Wales College of Medicine said it may have come from a comet on a close approach to earth, according to the Daily Mail. Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, who is based at Cardiff University, said the discovery marked "the first time we have had direct evidence for the hypothesis that comets seed life on other planets." Wickramasinghe and astronomer Fred Hoyle suggested the theory of "panspermia" more than two decades ago, that the seeds of life, either DNA or microbes, could be carried by asteroids or comets and dropped off on planets such as Earth to germinate life. (11-25-2000) Awesome Nano news: Bug driven Nano-Robots may be reality in LESS than 1 Year!
(11/23/00 & 11/24/00) -Saw both Red Planet and The 6th Day with my son. We highly recommend both. (11-19-2000) Excellent Cryonics news: Vitrification will soon be available to Alcor Patients. Vitrification is a method of converting biological tissue into a low-temperature glass that doesn't contain any damaging ice crystals. It may soon be possible to revive patients WITHOUT advanced Nanotechnology! (11-17-2000) I sold my Toyota FJ60 to toyotalandcruisers.com in NH. I'm gonna miss the old beast! If you need a LandCruiser or parts, be sure to talk to James... I've dealt with him several times, and he is reliable and honest. (11-6-2000) My continuing email problems: I reinstalled Outlook Express and IE5.5, still getting lockups. I will solve this problem someday.... (11-4-2000) Check out my friend Matt's site... there's always something new there! (10-18-2000) Breaking news related to Biostasis: 250 Million Year old Bacteria revived! Get a load of this one.... a 250 million year old bacterium has been revived! Life can survive in stasis for millions of years... more evidence that we CAN'T be alone in the universe! And, all I need is a couple hundred years or less of stasis.... 8^) This is a BIG discovery, with profound implications!