Our mission at Northwest Savannahs is to share our love of the African Serval by providing accurate information on early generation Savannahs.

With ten years of experience breeding Pixie-Bobs™ Gail, cofounder of Northwest Savannahs, is excited to work with the new, exotic Savannah breed. Gail holds two degrees in the medical field and has appeared on the television shows Good Morning America and Animal Planet to promote the Pixie-Bob™ cat breed of which she is one of the four founding board members. Gail helped derive and set global standards for the Pixie-Bobs™ and has consulted on genetic wildcat characteristics and personalities. She loves creativity and having fun. Troy, a multimedia expert by trade, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Art and Communication. He has over a decade of experience sharing his home with wildcats including Texas Red and Rocky Mountain bobcats, African Servals and a Canadian Lynx. Troy and Gail love the excitement of living with Savannahs and invite you to share in that adventure.
Northwest Savannahs is located at the base of Mt. Rainier in Washington State. All our cats enjoy 3.5 acres of forest and gardens with open access to the house.
