ISBN: 0595003478
perilous mountain-climbing trip in Switzerland in which young Swiss
mountaineer Andre Damas is hired to take a Father and Son up an
exceptionally dangerous ice-clad mountain spire that is melting, leads
quickly to the jungles of South America. The wealthy American and his
son want Andre to guide them up an ice-capped live volcano in search of
hidden Inca treasure. Struggling against treachery and nature's
violence, Andre tries to find his own long-lost father in the jungles
of Peru where they believe the fiery Sangay volcano conceals a gigantic
Inca treasure. Andre and his friends must deal with head-hunters,
negotiate a treacherous Cloud Forest and outwit the renegades following
them if they are to climb the volcano, learn the secret of the Inca Sun
God and wrest the treasure from within its fire and ice hiding place
without losing their lives. Plenty of hot and cold chills here!
194-pages. Paperback 5.5 x 8.5-inches ©2000 Published by
TO ORDER PLEASE DIAL 1-800-288-4677 Ext. 5025 FROM 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. EST.
The Gannons
2. The Ice Mountain
3. Atahualpa's Gold
4. Rumors at Latitude Zero
5. A Man Who Talks to Llamas
6. What Happened on Sangay?
7. Into the Oriente
8. Head-Hunters
9. Hugo's Ring
10. Jaguar!
11. Nightmare in the Cloud Forest
12. Secret of the Sun God
13. Reunion
Suddenly there was a harsh rattling, followed immediately by rapid
thudding and jangling noises.
"What the devil's that!" He swung his
Mike let out a startled yelp.
Propped in a sitting position against
the fumerole
wall was a dust-covered, partially clad figure in ancient armor. Its
yellowed skin was intact, its mouth open, its midsection bared.
"Good Lord!" gasped Gannon. "A
conquistador made
into a human drum!"
As soon as they recovered from their
shock they
examined the gruesome discovery more closely.
"It's Incan, all right," Gannon told
them. "They
were experts at making mummies. They literally tanned the hides of
their enemies and turned them into drums. This unfortunate fellow was
probably one of Pizarro's men."
"What made the sound?" asked
"Something set it off when you tripped."
takes you on a high-speed adventure in search of Inca gold hidden in a
live volcano... Sizzling!"
Adventure Review
2000, 2001 Robert F.
Burgess. All rights reserved.