This Second Edition of the popular HANDBOOK OF TRAILER SAILING includes most of the information found in the First Edition plus new material such as Boat Buying Tips From a Brokerage Expert and additional fun toys for sail-boaters such as underwater treasure hunting metal detectors. Again it covers all the essentials of finding your dreamboat, the kinds and types of boat trailers and tires required for different weight cruisers, anchor and line sizes, the Care and Feeding of an Iron Wind (your outboard) etc. 227 pages. Paperback: 7.5 x 9.25 inches © 1992 International Marine.
Landbound by competition for mooring and dock space and skyrocketing
marina costs? Want to get a start in sailing but intimidated by the
expense? Heed Bob Burgess. A compact car, a trailer hitch, and a small
boat are all you’ll need. International Marine Free yourself from the constraints of high-priced marinas and crowded campgrounds. Here is all you’ll need to get started in the low-cost, high-reward sport of trailer sailing, with advice that will take you from your backyard to that secluded spot just over the horizon.
cockpit cooking is convenient because the stove is shielded from the
wind by the sides of the footwell. Of course, there are times when the
wind is so brisk that even the footwell will not contain it. I
fabricated a windshield that solves the problem nicely. Several
corrugated cardboard panels were cut to the required height and, when
laid flat, they were taped side-to-side with duct tape, front and back.
The panels were then sprayed with quick-drying adhesive and sheets of
aluminum foil pressed onto them front and back. The shield can now be
shaped around the stove and pot to concentrate the heat within. I
estimate that it cuts cooking time by at least 50 percent. It stows
flat under a berth cushion. A REVIEW: "There
are enough tips on fittings and common-sense gadgetry to make the book
a worthwhile addition to the reference shelf. It’s the book to
have if you think trailer sailing might be for you." © 2000, 2001 Robert F. Burgess. All rights reserved. |