St. Peter's Armenian Apostolic Church

Watervliet, NY
Rosenberry & Myers Organbuilders 2004

St. Peter's Console

The new organ is a complete rebuild of the previous instrument. It is divided into left and right chambers in the front of the church. The Great and Pedal Bourdon are on the right and the Swell is on the left.

The console was rebuilt with 2 new keyboards and new solid state couplers. The pedalboard was reconditioned with new contacts. A New tilting tablet stop rail was installed and fitted with a 12-memory combination action. The console features an Automatic Pedal stop, which when active plays the lowest note being played on the manual on the pedal stops. This allows keyboard-only players to achieve the full sound of the pedal notes.

New Great and Swell windchests utilize 1 3/4" solid poplar toeboards and expansion cell electro-mechanical action.

4 new ranks of pipes were added. All existing pipework was revoiced.

GREAT - Right Side

8' Principal 61 pipes - 49 New of 40% Tin 12 recycled zinc basses
8' Gedeckt 61 pipes - 12 recycled Moller wood stopped basses, 49 new capped spotted metal
8' Dulciana 61 pipes - 49 recycled spotted metal. 12 zinc basses
4' Octave 61 pipes - New of 40% Tin
4' Pommer 12 pipes - extension of GT. Gedeckt
2' Super Octave 12 pipes - extension of GT. Octave
III Mixture 183 pipes - Recycled revoiced pipework
16' Swell Coupler
8' Swell Coupler

SWELL - Left Side

8' Rohrflute 12 recycled wood stopped pipes, 49 new spotted metal w/ chimneys
8' Viola 61 recycled pipes, revoiced
8' Viola Celeste 49 recycled pipes, revoiced
4' Hohlflute 61 pipes, old Great 2' flute revoiced with added bass
2' Principal 61 pipes recycled, revoiced
III Cornet 68 pipes, G20 to E53, 2 2/3 + 1 3/5, plus draws the 8' Rohrflute
8' Trompette 61 pipes - Spotted metal resonators
16' Swell Coupler

PEDAL - Right Side

16' Bourdon 32 pipes - stopped wood
8' Principal from Great
8' Gedeckt 12 pipes - extension of Bourdon
4' Octave from Great
16' Fagot 12 pipes - 1/2 length extension of Trompette
Swell to Pedal 8 Coupler
Swell to Pedal 4 Coupler
Great to Pedal Coupler

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