The PRAGMA is an AVID FLYER HEAVY HAULER I built in 1999/2000 from a kit.
This kit came with a ROTAX 583 snow mobile engine. I considered this engine a no-option for various reasons. In search for an engine, I came across Tracy Crook’s book about his installation of a MAZDA rotary in his RV4. It turned out very quickly that this engine is about twice too big in power and in size/weight. I joint the Rotary enthusiast community anyway. At the first gathering I attended, someone offered me a Subaru engine, which ended up in the PRAGMA. This engine served me very well with absolutely no problem during 10 years of operation.
The name PRAGMA for my airplane was the result of my attitude to building the airplane. I wanted an airplane that can easily fly off my grass strip, but does not have to be exceptionally “pretty”. This pragmatic approach gave me the idea for the name.
Even so the Subaru engine installation was a big effort, with redrive and motorcycle carburetors and so forth, I always considered it a temporary solution for giving me something to fly until I find a suitable rotary engine.
Conversion issues with the Subaru where no different from what a rotary installer encounters. Unless you are willing to use an overkill radiator, one has to go through the process of optimizing everything from air flow to coolant flow, and that is usually time consuming. It was for me too.
It still was worth every bit of the effort.
What happened to the rotary idea? See “One Rotor Wankel”.