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Getting it All Done

“If you fail to plan, plan to fail.”



Children don’t become educated simply because you have a good curriculum on the shelf.  You still need to figure out when to teach them, how to get the baby down for naptime, what to serve for dinner, when to take everyone to the park, and how the dirty clothes are going to get sorted, washed, dried, folded, and put back into dresser drawers.


It can be frustrating to never get everything done.  What helped my family is when a friend loaned me the book, Managers of Their Homes.  I did not agree with the author’s recommendations about babies, but was nonetheless able to glean some good tips.  The author recommends making a list of everything that you are trying to accomplish in a day, and estimate the amount of time needed for every item on your list.  Don’t forget things like sleeping and eating!  When I did this, I discovered that I was trying to cram 36 hours into a 24-hour day. No wonder I wasn’t getting everything done!


You have different steps in planning if you want to find a way to get everything done.  Skip to reading step three, if you already have a good handle on steps one and two.

1) Set your goals and select curriculum

2) Schedule your school year

3) Organize your days and weeks so that you can get everything done



I. Set Goals & Select Corresponding Curriculum

Goal-setting and curriculum discussion have already been discussed, so I will not repeat that information here.

read goals & curriculum planning discussion

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II.  Schedule Your School Year

Now that you know which subjects your children will study and the curriculum they will use, take an overall look at your year.  It is not necessary to teach every subject every day.  In the public school arena, students work on a system of quarters, semesters, or trimesters.  Customize that system.  Arrange your school year to best meet the needs of your family and your unique commitments.  It is easier to think about working hard at a subject for one term instead of a whole year.


Here is one option.  Math and science all year, language arts and occupational education first semester, social studies/history, plus health/art/music second semester:












































Social Studies











Health & Fitness










Art Appreciation










Music Appreciation










Occupational Education











After you have determined whether you will work on a full-year schedule or divide the year into quarters, semesters or trimesters, you still have more options.  Maybe you want to study every subject every day, but that is not the only approach.  In college (and now, many high schools), some classes meet on MWF, others on T/Th.


I know one family that does schoolwork for five weeks, then the kids get a one-week vacation while mom schedules the next five weeks.  You have a multitude of options.  In our family, we try to do all schoolwork in the morning, leaving afternoons available for special projects.   You have the freedom to create whatever plan will work best for your family’s schedule.


Here is one option that varies depending on the day of the week:






































Social Studies







Health & Fitness






Art Appreciation






Music Appreciation






Occupational Education






What this example means (we actually used this schedule one year) is that kids were doing math, language, and reading every day Monday through Thursday.  MWF were also spelling, social studies/history, science, and one elective (M: art; W: occ ed; F: music).  On Tuesdays and Thursdays, after reading, kids did a writing assignment then went to the YMCA for homeschool PE, swimming lessons, and gymnastics classes.

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III. Organize Your Days and Weeks

If you are reading about how to get it all done, you’ve probably already done the above scheduling.  What next?


Relax and enjoy your days with your kids.

Plan schoolwork, yes, but plan the housework, too, otherwise something won’t get done and everyone will get frustrated.


First make a list of the things scheduled by outsiders.  For instance, when does garbage collection occur?  You have to work around their schedule; they won’t work around yours.  Know your obligations and plan for them.  Your list might include such things as garbage, recycle, scouts, church, 4H…


Next consider other commitments that you can schedule at your convenience:  grocery shopping, cutting toddlers’ fingernails, feeding pets…


How frequently you want/need to do housework?  Do you clean your bathroom once a week?  Daily?  How often do you wash laundry (Mt. Neverrest)?  How many times a week do you vacuum? Mop the kitchen floor?  How often do you wipe mud off the light switches nearest the door?  Wash the windows?  Mow the lawn?  Some jobs need to be done daily (meal prep), some can be done weekly, and some can be done monthly.  Make sure you include chore time in your schedule.


For some people, it is enough to post a list on the refrigerator.  Look at the list and make sure all the jobs get done.  However, if you’re one of those people trying to cram 36 hours into 24, an overwhelming list won’t be enough.


The more you try to do, and the more people you are teaching, the more detailed your schedule needs to be if you want to ensure that everything gets done.  I used a simple routine when my kids were very young. As they got older and there was more to juggle, we used a very detailed schedule.  Now they are older yet, and can take responsibility for much of their own work, so a detailed schedule is no longer necessary.


To make a schedule, I list everything that needs to get done by each person and determine how much time to allow for every task.  In addition to eating/dressing/brushing teach, things that  you might want to consider:  Bible study, sleeping, making beds, music practice, cleaning bathrooms, washing fingerprints off light switches, cleaning kitchen, cleaning bedrooms, dusting, vacuuming, mopping floors, washing windows and mirrors, caring for animals, folding & putting away clean clothes, helping wash/dry laundry, planning meals, assisting with meal prep, taking out trash, sweeping the ceiling for cobwebs, washing the top of the refrigerator, one-on-one time with parents and siblings, free time, special projects, mowing the lawn, weeding the garden, raking leaves, attending club meetings, community service, and schoolwork.  If you are responsible for a ministry at your church and find that the phone rings off the hook on Saturday nights or Wednesday afternoons, you might as well plan to be available to field those calls; instead of considering them interruptions or aggravations (or taking your phone off the hook), consider them a routine part of your ministry and allow time for them.


There are a limited number of hours in a day.  If any person’s tasks take more time than is available, choices will have to be made.  Look at the list of things to be done:

·         is the task necessary?

·         can it be delegated to someone else?

·         can it be done weekly instead of daily?


Pare every person’s list until it can be accomplished within a single day.  Next I cut slips of paper and write all the tasks needed for every person:  1” per 20-minutes.  That means that if a task takes 30 minutes, it’s written on a 1½” slip of paper; if it takes 40 minutes, it’s on a 2” slip of paper; and if it takes a full hour, it’s on a 3” slip of paper.  I also color-code things, so that I can tell by the color who the slip of paper is for.


Juggling all those slips of paper around is the next step.  The more people you have, the more challenging it is to schedule everything with no conflicts.  Unless you have two pianos and a sound-proof room, only one person can do piano practice at a time.  If kids are sharing a book or software, they have to take turns studying that subject.  If the whole family is studying a subject together, they have to all be together for the study.  If mom is giving one child a spelling test at 9:30, she can’t be helping another child with a science experiment.


To make your juggling project easier, draw a grid on a piece of poster-board– one column to write times in, and one column per person.  Rows should be three inches tall to fit the task-slips previously mentioned. Covered this with contact paper.


After I block out times for sleeping and eating, it works best for us if I call one child and have him help me arrange his schedule.  We put a little piece of double-backed tape on the back of the task-slips so that they don’t shift out of position. Contact paper on the posterboard makes it possible to easily reposition the task slips and re-use the board year-after-year.


Emphasizing that we have just created a draft that is subject to revision, I call the second child and we arrange that person’s schedule around what has already been planned for the first child.  Then the third child gets a turn, and so on until we appear to have a workable schedule.  We then try the draft schedule for two days.  If modifications are needed, we make them and try again.  Once a schedule works for two weeks, we know we have a good schedule.


With a good schedule posted on the wall (everyone can look at the clock and the schedule, and know what they’re supposed to be doing), I also like to have a list of special projects that I’m trying to accomplish.  I find myself tackling those projects during my free-time, and feeling like I am accomplishing much more than in the past.


Click here for some sample routines and schedules

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